Blog #5- The Progressive Era

When it comes to these antiwar websites, I feel like the reason we never hear about their sides of the conversation on the mainstream news is that because it is honestly too complicated for the news outlets to handle without them coming out with their bias. 

In an article by Waging Nonviolence, Eric Stoner, the journalist talks about several different reasons why these antiwar protests are not being picked up by major news outlets. One of the reasons that he wrote about that struck me is that because these mainstream media outlets are owned by enormous corporations, they have their own interests, and that usually run contrary to the interests of those struggling for radical or progressive social change. 

I think that these antiwar voices know that they won't get featured on the mainstream news because their voices won't be heard so instead they use their First Amendment right and they create these websites that people can look for if they really want to know about this issue. 

On the American Conservative website, they say that they were founded by "eminent conservatives who were appalled by the sins, follies, and deceptions or neoconservatism: by the disastrous war in Iraq and compulsive meddling around the globe: by disrespect for the bill of Rights; and by the Washington-knows-best philosophy manifested in such centralizing laws"

I think for them, it is more about changing the political discussion into a more hopeful discussion and to educate the world's leaders on topics too heavy for the mainstream news outlets to handle. 

All-in-all, these websites are not meant to hurt anyone, but to showcase voices who have been silenced for too long and ned an outlet for them and similar citizens to have conversations about and not to feel so alone in the opinions. 


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